Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pass or Fail HotBuys October 2009?


Hot buys purse: I'm sorry but this looks good quality but kinda looks like Ursula from the little mermaid ......6/10

Hot buys necklace: It looks vintage&colorful me likey  8.5/10

Hot Buys bag: Quilts=grandma...Purple Quilts=cool grandma :D 8/10

Hot Buys Hotpants:Borrowing boyfriends undies...scandalous :) 10/10

Hot Buys skirt: It could be cute but the colors are kinda blahhhhh 7/10

Hot Buys "blause": Besides the typo the blouse is sheer perfecion very classy 10/10!

Hot Buys shirt: Reminds me of  baby poo, I mean look at the color scheme...5/10

Hot Buys shoes: If those don't say stripper I don't know what does....2/10

Hot Buys jacket: Very chic the pinkish belt makes it pop 9/10

Hot Buys fishnet scarf: Hmmm this ones a has to be on the right outfit or you'll look like a hobo from the sea....5/10

Hot Buys dress: Flashback to my attic, sixties mod dresses the thing is the colors put me to sleep, nothing special 6/10.

OVERALL GRADE: Approximate 7/10

You've been BAD I'm breaking out the cuffs...wait a minute they're missing?! O:

I expected better of you stardoll! Geesh at least with the Miss.Sixty collection no offence but I found  it a total snooze fest and a rip off. I'll keep on grumbling if I don't start on a new subject, I guess stardoll was to lazy to put in one item of the Miss. Sixty collection because there is a missing bracelet grrrr. Haha well not actually like I was going to buy it come to think of it, I've kinda gotten over all the fad brands I like my vintage collection geesum I sound like a snob. In real life I'm an H&M addict so maybe thats why I don't spend my hard earned stardollars frivolously. 

I was sketching the starplaza today and saw there was a black dress in Decades for non-ss, to me it was kinda fugly but with some accesories the black potato sack could have a new life...
There are so many look a likes in the starplaza it frustrates me so much,  I mean why pay more? This whole elite-ist thing is a pile of poo....

 Love, Noelle aka cookiemonste12 :) 
all graphics made by me :D

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tis the Time for a wrinkly gathering...can you say PARTY?

YES sir reeee this party is for those over 90 years old :D HAHA I'm so excited for the details click the picture but basically BEST AND WORST dressed grandmas will be featured and commented here! Invite friends :)

Love, Noelle

Sluts in skirts oh wait no skirt....):

Leurtedeur is my definition of life right now....

Leurtedeur- A state of boredom that is so great that stupidity follows.
Yep kinda the reason why I spent ten minutes dressing my medoll as trampy as I could....
Well don't she look chock full of STD's? I have a feeling Lady Gaga would even turn her down :) 
On a more PG note  I noticed a freaking big glitch well not really just a double....

See one for you and one to cover up SluttyMctramp face from above :D
Whooo I feel I got my potty mouth credits done with don't you think? :D

Love, Noelle aka cookiemonste12

Greetings Earthlings I come with a new author :)

Hello! So siked to be revamping the blog, thus I am going to be writing the traditional newbie post. Well, first things first my name is Noelle aka Cookiemonste12 and I'm kinda here to take the reins where  Tom left off. Tom and I are best buddies in real life and at the moment he is in ICU for his leukemia, which he has been making great strides with till about month ago. He always wanted to re manage blog once his life got in order again so I thought he would be pleasantly surprised when he's ready to come back that his blog is back-to-normal :) I did decide to change the banner up top due to the fact lettie97 is no longer on stardoll stall and I am...... -----> 

Back to zeee gossip... oh wait there is none.....): 

I am a stardoll doctor (really check out my diploma ....I didn't print it out myself or anything  :) and prescribe all this PATHETIC gossip lately to two diagnosis's....
Shims- Basically gender benders online, who think making themselves have or havenot a gardenhose makes them cool *ahem* danpuffs....    :/

Multi-doll personality- Typically one person who has multiple accounts, so they can promote themselves, or even cause a scandal between the same person can you get a hobby please? *nudge* perez star gossip

UGHHHH  please some multi-doll personalities please start a feud cuz I'm kinda bored outta my freaking mind D:

Love, Noelle aka cookiemonste12
P.S. All graphics made by me 

Monday, May 18, 2009


Oops, sorry, had some baaad Chili. Your just jealous of my unlady like manners. ADMIT IT. IT'S OKAY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO. I SAID ADMIT IT!
:D Gosh, making me yell?! Meeeaaannwwhhiiillllleeee. I'm still like, like, so, like, mad, that, like, like, animal-lovers, like got, like deleted, like yeah. Like. UGH LIKE! STOP, GOSH LIKE LIKE.
Out of the word like mode. [: I gotta admit, I kinda sorta miss the pervs.. like, they just made-up stardoll. You know, just like, the chewiness inside a gummybear?! If there was no chewiness inside a gummybear.. THEN IT WOUDLN'T BE A GUMMYBEAR. So, Like now, (Ooops, said like again..) Stardoll is boring..
Meanwhile. What the heck is up with the Norweign stuff? No offence to anyone, I actually think it is cool. But it should be free.. I mean, Its a holiday, right??!!? So it should be free. My point- proven.

I wonder when LE will come out again. I think the DUI or whatever its called store replaced it, with LE. Hmm. I want Summer Le. I'M TALKING MINI SHORTS, BAYBAAAAY!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The flying unicorns ate my cheeseburger thus....

....I am going to be off in lala land in the search of yummy goodness gahh well actually I have a freakin truckload of tests and will be kinda busy sooooo thought I would warn you I would be MIA for a few days/week ....Thought I would leave you with this pleasant image......of stardolls new writer who looks like a cyborg with overgrown caterpillars for eyebrows....

love, Tommayyyy
Me shall miss you :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Deplhin12 and x_emz_1997_x = UGLY HO.

I'm so pissed. But, I'm going to get mean now. Okay, delphin12, you need to shut the fuck up. Okay sweeheart? Look at your messed up face you scammer. She and x_emz_1997_x scammed ooits_caz out of 300 stardollars, saying that she will sell her account to Ooits_caz, took the money, blocked her. delphin12 and x_emz_1997_x YOU WILL GET YOUR ACCOUNT DELETED. Unless you decide to give her her money back.

You will, just watch. Don't even think about deleting Cazs' account, BECAUSE YOU WILL BE DELETED. Watch me, you fat ass twig. I don't care what I'm saying, right now, I'm just pissed at what this ho ddi to my best friend on her birthday.


I'm out.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


OK, OK. I exaggerated.
But I do really, really, really need a banner! (hint, hint).
Don't make me do the puppy dog face! :]

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Sunday, May 3, 2009

DAYUUUUUUM <-- New word, I OWN IT!

Mind the title? Back off bitches, I own the word Dayuuum now, and I can only use it.

So, if i say Dayuuuum to you, don't have a panick attack on me- take it as a compliment, bitch.

Okay anyways, now, I'm going to get mean! >:D OOH WATCH OUT, I'M ON A ROLL!

Ooh, Check it out vampire rap! He looks like hes drunk. Setting such a good example, huh stardoll?!

Stardollars that expire, wow, so useful?! cough *cheap* cough. What! I DIDN'T SAY THAT.

Meanwhile, the pervs are now homeless because animal-lovers got deleted all because of those little 8 year olds complaining to their Mommys and daddys. BOOHOO SUCK IT UP. (: I gotta admit...

I'll miss those pervs! *Tear*

BTW.. I'm having problems with the pictures. Theyre always coming out too small.
Byeeeeeeeeeeeee -
Adri (: Hershey1011

Saturday, May 2, 2009

TICK TOCK you're running out of time ):

ER-godddd you HAVE to sign up for this rare opportunity where every competitor has an equal fair chance and a fresh face could be put in the spotlight :)

Comment to sign up at this post PRESS HERE! Thanksies best of luck!

Yo yo yo, wanna some LE?

The third collection of LE STILL hasn't sold out even though it's been like 3 weeks since it was released.
There are 3 crappy bags still left totalling 400 sd altogether.
I can see why nobody wanted to buy them.
Also, Antidote hasn't sold out either & it's been like almost 2 months! There's a 35 stardollar shelf still left.
Who thinks Stardoll should stop releasing "limited" brands?
I do!
-Sticks hand up-
That's it for now.
Peace out.

Disappointment indeed.

Dayumm, disappointment doesn't even cover my shock, anger & fury.
Well, every 10 million members Stardoll gets, they celebrate it by handing out free stuff to members.
Last year when Stardoll was at 20 million, we received 20 free stardollars & there was that lottery dress comp. The lottery dresses are like, UBER rare now.
Now, they reward us with tacky clothing. :/ Only the shirts are free, the bag & the big star costs us.
Wow, I'm sure that a big 30 stardollar yellow star would be soooooooo useful.
There, I'm done with my rant.
Peace out.

Friday, May 1, 2009


GAHHH look at that beautayyyy! Promo for my magazine new issue for SUMMER WHOOOO, ONE of the FEW and PROUD magazines that is done all by ME no roiworld crap yea!! Me needs my albino self to get a tan! Woot Woot~

So with that I am in the search for A COVERMODEL *ahem ahem* If you catch my drift I am going to have a competition for all y'all to sign up and then vote OH EM GEEE! So everybody can stop bitching that an "elite" got the spot it's a democracy vote so shove it :)

STEP 1: The first 50 will sign up here, if you don't make the cut sorry firs come first serve :) (If less signs ups then 50 so be it the drawing ends 5/4/09 no exceptions) 
Step 2: I shall put a poll with a picture of the 50 medoll then top ten to vote on, then post the winner who gets the grand prize of being the covermodel and having an inside article and sub photoshoots! O:
Not all that hard eh? Tell your friends a hobo whoever just remember to VOTE :D
Anyone is available to join all gender/races ect..even members of the blog excluding Tom XD
No putting down or making rude comments about contestants!
Love, Tommmmayyy

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hello luveydovies :)

Let's do a new kind of post called "Da Roll" we may need a plus sized one for VNVI but we'll get into that later....
First off whoa creepy twin give me the heeby jeebies more than a 48 year old man in a victorias secret smelling the thongs, I mean the twins are "TWO" perfect (haha bad pun) then really I mean it won't be them responding just some publicity manager for them to give them a good ol' squeky clean image......
THEM oh em GEEE DanPuffs is my twin!! YEA well he has black hair but we're both rocking the nerdalicious glasses XD Maybe I should wear his outfit and complete the look.....O:
Ohkaay I'm ALL for high fashion but the ballon trousers are VERY Mc'D's addict size, (no offense) I don't see them as a worthy item to be rare...Cause if you want your medoll to be larger change the settings...but for reals they have a camel toe the size of a volkswagon beetle EWWWWW O:
Much love to Vnvi cause she does have a gorgeous medoll just a couple oompa loompas hiding in her pants...
Love, Tom

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Resolved & Destroyed.

Now they have gone too far. Seriously. Okay, so, today I was talking to Tommy (Graphic-design) and.. he told me all his deigns were gone. For all of you who don't know, Tommys designs were stunning. Yes, more stunning than those gummy bears you see at the store. Hours, days, possibly even weeks to make them! News flash, longer than you crave Gummy bears. They've taken it too far now. I just feel like marching through that screen, and biting them. With Adri germs. seriously, how would you feel, if your designs were gone, that you spent, hours, days, weeks on?! Now, I'm just pissed.

Meanwhile.. things with adrianarocks98 and me are all good now. I guess we both apoloogized to each other, and I didn't wanna fight anymore, so everythings good now.I like the sweet smell of friendship!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stardolls Cheap Birthday!

Ah. So, Guess what? It's Stardoll's year old Birthday! How exciting. Mm, I wonder how they'll celebrate, Oh, maybe with our Money?! Obviously! Or maybe they'll go crazy and make a virtual cake 30 stardollars? Who knows! But.. I do know one thing. Stardoll's ugly cheap clothes are here. Ooh, I know, how exciting? Virtual Rags! But, stardoll is so cheap, that they didn't make their clothes free! yeah, That's right- they want more o our money, even though they probably have 2, Trillion bucks.

Monday, April 20, 2009

THE bad girls of da week...


Aren't I really scary bad *drops hello kitty purse then begins to sob*
Well erm anyways.....
Decided to make a hall of fame of bad girls/gender benders....
Paulina-Where the hell are our 50,000 members gifts? Up the wazzoo of the 56 year old man who actually manages your account? Well I thought if I joined the pansy club I would get something out of it...Probably backed out of the deal cause she realized her careers going down the porcelain express and wants no more advertisement like on free t-shirts displaying her dwindling career.
Fay- For being the biggest liar I know, taking things out of context and trying to gain fame from others pain. Tsk Tsk, just because your elite status stinks like a rotten egg doesn't mean you have to make Charli's life hell. She is a kind creature, like a unicorn, she has a weapon of defense but rarely uses it unless provoked! Puh-lease little girl Fay go get your chest hair waxed.
Last but not least Springate/Anthony-I put shim as the joker cause of how "she" disappeared on the real springate account but came back as "her" boy self...confuzzling eh? the bad ass part is he's even bitch-ier as a boy...O:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just a few scribbles of gossip on "the" wall....


After a long (week) hiatus I decided to re-enter the jungle of stardoll! OHHH Look a monkey woops that is "springate" TEHE
The bitch is back, whoa!
I mean in a semi-male form he looks like a combo of fakeshake3 and model-selena with a little bit of abs the only thing defining "it" as a male.....
Anyways I personally adored LE, expensive as usual but you know if you scooped up some it would be gone and be worth 10 times the amount you paid for it...
I only got the sequined vest haha it was the only thing that kinda fir my medoll....
THEN  the louis v is on sale on stardoll china, damn you asians getting all the good brands!
Well anyways I put a T+B=love>
Love, Tom

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It's meeeeeeeee! :-]]]
Sorry for the lack of posting darlinks :(

Firstly, STARDOLL GOES CHAV! :O No worries, I'm just as scared as you are! The new Street Dancer theme is totally chavvy! XD
Excusing all the chav-ness, Paulina decides to give all the members of her club a free gift! What ever will it be? An item from her closet? Some sort of piece of crap? An alien? God knows and God wants to find out! Sorry God, your gonna have to wait like all the other good Stardollians!
Among all of that, all the Beautiful, Dirty, Rich girls [and maybe boys] await for the arrival of LE! Just where is it, lost at sea? Or is Stardoll too slow and lazy to put it in the shop?!
Lastly, Kasia aka Undamyumbrella has decided to leave Perez! We'll all miss her but of course, it was her choice! Bye Bye Kasia-amazia :(

Until next time, my dearies XD

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hey bitches!

Lol, just joking about the title, it was to get your attention, I hoped it worked.

You can find me on Stardoll at Rachweee123 & I'm happy to be writing for this blog.

Sorry about my lack of banner, I'll get one soon. :]]


Woah baby! You know renevations means something BIG is happening :D

So I saw some people got the last collections charm already meaning another edition of LE is due anytime now!
I feel like and expectant mother about to blow!!!
Hopefully they have boys clothes......
Or I could be a tranny for awhile XD
Love, Tommmmmmy

Gahh Best/Worst Dressed of my birthday :)

Party Theme-Modern Mother goose

Graphic-Design-Hmmmmm gosh darnit I'm bias but one of my fav's! Probably cause I gave the loverly lady the idea of being a modern Madousa! I love the simplicity but the snakes add some flare.

Rachweee123: Nice! My only worry is that she didn't put the dress on properly :O

Graphic-Design- This Edgy cinderella took my breath away with her biker chic blend with blue hotbuys dress. I love everything my only critique is the shoes are grunge enough but somehow not the right pairing with the outfit....

Rachweee123: Nice, but heels would be better with the outfit.

Graphic-Design- GAHHHH I love this chick-o-la, her dress is great with minishop bed curtain thingy ma bobs but I have one scandal to report, I see London I see France I see Adri's underpants :)
Rachweee123: Haha, cute skirt thingy :D

Graphic-Design- Me loves the lady but wish there was some more layering/possibly hair color change since the shade is too close to the dress color scheme.

Rachweee123: Plain. That's all I can say about it.
Graphic-Design- This girly has a gypsy feel to her outfit, the "tat" adds some spunk, and this is the first time I have found the free shoes to look good with an ensemble. I wish her hair was a little different though, it's cute with almost everything but not this kind of gown.

Rachweee123: Wow, that is one trashy lady! LOL. I agree with Tommy, I dislike the hair with that outfit but the dress & those free tacky Bollywood-esque shoes is too much of an overload. Sorry.

Graphic-Design- So cotton candy fluffy pink that I just want to eat her *MUNCH* I like the use of the leighton belt with pink converse sorta Demi Lovata esque?Well anywhoooo me likey the pink :)
Rachweee123: I love the dress, it gives me a floaty feeling, like I'm flying, hahaha! I dislike the Converse with it though, she would have done so much better with heels or pumps :P

Graphic-Design- God she looks so cut throat fashionista like a true villain I mean where would Cruella be without out her looks, I mean white/black hair is hot :D Me also likes the booties so I'm gonna kick the door down!

Rachweee123: HOT, HOT, HOT! Love the outfit! :D Super classy as well.

Graphic-Design- This was a very cute princess-y look but I felt the black heart was out of place, I mean I think some glamorized pearls would define the look better. Otherwise she looked adorable to a "T"

Rachweee123: CUTE! I actually don't mind the necklace but the blue thing in her hair doesn't match her outfit.

Graphic-Design- I hate to be mean but I mean I have never seen an outfit appropriate for knee high boots, to me a little skanky, no offense of course since me is whore-bag :D

I just don't feel her outfit was really for the occasion and looked like a M.K&A overload.

Rachweee123: I agree with Tom on this. Her outfit is mainly made of MKA real brand clothing & they're too preppy for me. Knee high boots are cool but they look horrible with this sort of outfit. Note: Knee high boots look way better with black minidresses, fishnet stockings if you want a whore-ish, skanky look, haha.

Graphic-Design- MY favorite of the night :)Heck pink and white reminds me of strawberry milkshakes *slurp* :D Well anywaysss she looks all prim and proper royalty even with the white rose pin then BAM fishnets where her inner whore shines :)

Rachweee123: That's me! :O

Graphic-Design- Another trampy cinderella tehe :D
Well I think it looked great minus the free rose things in the hair, IDK but those things are always a turn off to me and I have never seen them actually look good on a person without being obnoxious. The witch of the west leg warmers don't really add to the look but it's not bad cause she looks red hot in the red dress :)

Rachweee123: I often find free things very tacky so this outfit is a total no-go. Sorry, I'm sure you're a very nice person mascaa if you're reading this. Teehee!

Love Tom+Steph <3

Friday, April 3, 2009

Whoa here N1mka4eva....I think you're BEAUTIFUL :)

Aww this cutie patootie otherwise known as N1mka4eva is my little white haired geisha of a goddess  :) She is sporting a 1950's esque bathing suit designed by me to kick off (hopefully) some warmer sunnier weather! Yes I'm biased cause she's one of my biffles but I don't care :) 
Love, Tom