Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hello luveydovies :)

Let's do a new kind of post called "Da Roll" we may need a plus sized one for VNVI but we'll get into that later....
First off whoa creepy twin give me the heeby jeebies more than a 48 year old man in a victorias secret smelling the thongs, I mean the twins are "TWO" perfect (haha bad pun) then really I mean it won't be them responding just some publicity manager for them to give them a good ol' squeky clean image......
THEM oh em GEEE DanPuffs is my twin!! YEA well he has black hair but we're both rocking the nerdalicious glasses XD Maybe I should wear his outfit and complete the look.....O:
Ohkaay I'm ALL for high fashion but the ballon trousers are VERY Mc'D's addict size, (no offense) I don't see them as a worthy item to be rare...Cause if you want your medoll to be larger change the settings...but for reals they have a camel toe the size of a volkswagon beetle EWWWWW O:
Much love to Vnvi cause she does have a gorgeous medoll just a couple oompa loompas hiding in her pants...
Love, Tom


Hannah (iluvmumble333) said...

Haha! Sexy post.

AnnA-twilighter said...

HaHaHa!! Hilariousity at its best!! :)